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Love Sober - A short history

alcoholfree katebaily lovesober loveyourselfsober mandymanners sober soberliving sobersisterhood sobriety Aug 23, 2020

Welcome to Love Sober.

Kate is an evangelist & Mandy an activist, we call BS on how normative drinking alcohol is and encourage people to ask better questions about what they really need. There are so many reasons why alcohol doesn’t work for people, perhaps you feel anxious, depressed, stressed. Perhaps you are HSP, introvert, neurodiverse. Maybe you have experienced trauma, bullying, othering, impactful life experiences, lack of support. We care about carers. We are sold a fix all solution dressed up as a treat which at best keeps us stuck, at worst leads to addiction.

By taking a look at our lives in a 360 sense, mind, body, habits, support, wellbeing, connection and kindness, we can resource ourselves to live a life we love without alcohol getting in our way.

We are certified coaches, sober besties (we met online šŸ˜…), writers, community and podcast hosts. We are committed to supporting individuals to finding what works for them & asking questions to the professionals who are so often letting them down, misunderstanding the grey area of drinking and encouraging moderation and unit counting rather than alcohol-free living and early intervention.

Kate started in 2017 to be a public site for her previously private blogs on became virtual friends in November 2017 and Mandy suggested doing a sober podcast together, and in turn Kate shared her book project, and we decided to collaborate together. 

Love Sober the podcast launched in May 2018 and is aimed at the sober and sober curious. We wanted to fill a gap in the market: not to talk about addiction but to talk about problematic drinking, binge drinking and self-medicating depression and anxiety. We wanted to have the conversation as mums, discuss how we had bought into the “wine o’clock/mummy needs wine” market and how detrimental that had been to us both as women and also as parents.

In April 2020, we got our application approved to become a CIC (Community Interest Company) Which will enable us to apply for funding and hopefully in the long term help as many women as we can.

We are working mum badasses (who are often limping through the day in our pjs) we need to take breaks because we have learned that self care is at the heart of making the world a better place. We believe in micro changes having macro impact.

We like shoes, lipstick, treats and community, we LOVE sober. We like fun, sparkle, authenticity and getting deep under the cover of what it means to be human alongside others. Kate loves musical theatre, Mandy loves 90s hip-hop. We love ourselves which has been a journey that started by making sobriety the anchor of our lives.

We have been on this sober journey for over 7 years. We know what it’s like to start & stop & start again, we tried moderating and it didn’t work (more than once) until one day we realised alcohol takes away more than it gives, so we are done.

So we started Love Sober to help women like us.

Love K & M xxx


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