Ten Keys to a Happy Sober You!


brene brown jada pinkett-smith jennifer hudson kate moss love yourself sober natalie portman ru paul sober celebs zoe ball Jan 27, 2022

Joining the ranks of the Sobertocracy!

We all need role models and inspiration and there is something about sober celebs that makes us go ooooo, them too! Wow no way! Yay I love them. It give us a sense of belonging. It flips the thinking that sober people are hiding away somewhere ashamed of their problem, or weak and broken... Ummm no! Their decision to change and go sober enabled them to achieve, create and boss it and they all credit their success to their sobriety too !

So here is an encouraging and inspiring list of some perfectly imperfect female sober superstars, who enjoy success with no hangovers.

Your fellow sober alumni include:
• Brené Brown writer and speaker
• Zoe Ball TV and radio presenter
• Tyra Banks model, actress and television host
• Kim Cattrall actress
• Glennon Doyle writer and speaker
• Lena Dunham actress and activist
• Florence Welch singer-songwriter
• Jennifer Hudson singer, actress and spokesperson
• Blake Lively actress
• Stephenie Meyer author
• Kate Moss model
• Natalie Portman actress
• Lana Del Rey singer-songwriter
• Christina Ricci actress
• Sarah Silverman comedian, actress, and writer
• Jada Pinkett Smith actress
• Lucy Stone suffragette
• Tilda Swinton actress
• Catherine Tate comedian and actress
• Shania Twain singer
• Anna Wintour editor-in-chief of Vogue
• Abby Wambach writer, ex-professional soccer player

Honestly, there has never been a better time to go sober. The choice
is there, the conversation is being had, and we’re the change-makers.
Pretty cool, don’t you think?

(Adapted from our first book Love Yourself Sober)

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